{- "name": "David Binns",
- "overview": "I am a full-stack JS developer enthusiastic to create solutions using my extensive experience in the browser and Node.js",
- "contact":
{- "email": "dbinns.web+cv@gmail.com",
- "phone": "+447919445300"
} , - "employment":
- "name": "Tokenized",
- "when":
[- "2021-06-06",
- "current"
] , - "role": "Senior full stack engineer for a blockchain asset tokenization platform",
- "experience":
{- "node.js": "Creating a new Node.JS management tool in AWS Lambda",
- "golang": "Contributing to an API written in GO running in AWS Lambda and ECS",
- "oauth": "Creating an OAuth provider and clients",
- "react-query": "Connecting an API to a user interface with React Query",
- "devops": "Implementing a new Github CI pipeline and deployed new stacks in AWS with CloudFormation",
- "testing": "Building an end-to-end browser based test automation framework",
- "billing": "Integrating Stripe to provide customer billing",
- "react": "Creating components and custom hooks for an Electron desktop application",
- "performance": "Optimizing performance of historical data visualisation",
- "mobile": "Prototyping a new React mobile app to hold cryptographic keys",
- "cryptography": "Implementing key derivation, signing and key management",
- "blockchain": "Creating a public web based transaction protocol decoder"
} , {- "name": "CMR Surgical",
- "when":
[- "2020-09-07",
- "2021-01-08"
] , - "role": "Senior software engineer in the Data team",
- "experience":
{- "javascript": "Developing a UI for exploring trends in quality metrics",
- "python": "Implementing OpenAPI documented APIs using FastAPI",
- "juptyer": "Rapid prototyping and building consensus for quality metrics"
} , {
- "name": "GeoSpock",
- "when":
[- "2016-11-21",
- "2020-08-31"
] , - "role": "Principal software engineer for visualisation of geospatial big data",
- "experience":
{- "javascript": "Developing with cutting edge JavaScript using Babel to ensure browser compatibility",
- "react": "Developing a complex modularised React user interface driven by Redux",
- "webgl": "Authoring and optimizing shaders for use in map rendering",
- "node.js": "Architecting a REST and GraphQL service hosted in AWS",
- "team": "Working in scrum teams and individually, using pull requests and code reviews"
} , {
- "name": "Hive (AlertMe / Centrica)",
- "when":
[- "2011-01-17",
- "2016-11-11"
] , - "role": "Senior web software engineer",
- "experience":
{- "vcs": "Leading the migration from subversion to git",
- "javascript": "User interface engineering with jQuery",
- "network": "Debugging at the packet level on embedded hardware and in the cloud"
} , {- "name": "Node.js and J2ME contracting",
- "when": ,
- "role": "Developing a Node.js server side application and J2ME client application"
} , {
- "name": "European Bioinformatics Institute",
- "when":
[- "2001-11-01",
- "2010-10-31"
] , - "role": "Senior Software Engineer - web development, InterPro and GOA projects",
- "experience":
{- "java": "Database access, servlet and graph visualisation",
- "javascript": "Interactive database browsing in HTML and SVG",
- "oracle": "Optimizing database access for real time queries and batch processing"
} , {- "name": "Unigraphics",
- "when": ,
- "role": "Working on a web front end for product data management software, in C++ and JavaScript"
} , {- "name": "Apama",
- "when": ,
- "role": "Working in Java and SQL to develop location aware applications"
} , {- "name": "International Nepal Fellowship",
- "when": ,
- "role": "Volunteering in Nepal with a Christian development organisation"
] , - "education":
[{- "name": "BA, MMath, Mathematics, Queens' College, Cambridge University",
- "when": ,
- "result": "II.1, Merit"
} , {- "name": "Hymers College, Hull",
- "when": ,
- "result": "10 GCSEs at grade A/A*, 5 A-levels at grade A"
] , - "about":
- "volunteering": "I am a Christian and volunteer with Friends International to run events to welcome international students to Cambridge",
- "recreation": "I enjoy recreational programming and have been mostly working in JavaScript on the web and on NodeJS on Linux. My house heating system runs on Raspberry Pis with software I have written."
} , - "links": ,
- "version": "2024-09-24 14:08"